I have pictures. Lots of pictures. I have recipes. Lots of recipes. I have crafts and projects and passions and stories...
And yet, I procrastinate. I keep saying - tomorrow. Early tomorrow morning. Yup, I'm gonna wake up early tomorrow morning and do all the things I just feel too tired to do tonight. I focus better in the mornings. I'm more motivated in the mornings. And so surely - when I say I will do my ever-growing to do list early the next morning - I will.
Then the morning rolls around and all of a sudden I find myself doing other things. Cooking, reorganizing, lazily getting ready for work...all of a sudden it's nighttime. I'm tired and promising myself yet again, that tomorrow will be the day I do all the things I always say I will do.
Today is tomorrow morning. And I'm determined to knock out this list one craft, blog, photo, meal, walk, life...at a time. So let's get started, with something yummy :)
I came up with this recipe for Payder, who adores the Portabello Fries at a local restaurant here. We had them the other night and they were like the best vegan chicken fingers ever! I wanted to make a guilt-free version that we could make at home. I am pretty sure these would freeze great and you could just pop them into the oven to bake whenever the mood strikes!
Portabello Chik'n Fingers

2 portabello mushroom caps - Remove the gills with a spoon and cut the mushrooms into 1/2" thick slices
Prepare your breading:
bowl 1: 1/3 cup

bowl 2: 1/2 cup almond milk
3/4 t. sriracha
1 T. egg replacer (or cornstarch, potato starch, or tapioca starch...)
bowl 3: 1/2 cup panko breadcrumbs
1/4 cup whole rolled oats
1/4 cup rolled oats pulsed into a flour (or you could sub in a whole grain flour)
1/4 t. hot pepper flakes
1/2 t. dried oregano
1/2 t. sea salt
1 T. nutritional yeast
2 t. extra virgin olive oil
few cranks fresh ground black pepper
Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Prepare your bowls and set them up in order. Spray a baking sheet with oil or cover in parchment paper. Dip each portabello slice into each bowl in order, first coating with flour, then liquid mixture, then crumb mixture, and then place on the cookie sheet. This is easiest if you designate one hand to be your wet hand and one hand to be your dry hand to help keep the mess to a minimum! For instance, I always use my left hand to dip and flip the 'shroom in the wet mixture and then place it in the crumb mixture, where I then use my right hand to make sure it is well coated in crumbs. (Too much info? haha)
Now just bake for about 25 minutes, flipping halfway thru. They are all done once they are golden brown! Serve up with the dipping sauces of your choice! We prefer BBQ sauce and thai sweet chili sauce, and even just plain ol' ketchup!

Oh yummmmmy.
ReplyDeleteActually, not too much info. Thanks for that tip, because I really HATE my fingers all caked and gooky with the wet and dry!